About the Journal
For the 2025 Annual Meeting and Conference submit your abstract here https://journals.isss.org/index.php/jisss/submission/wizard
This website is called the Journal of the International Society for the Systems Sciences.
The ISSN number for this journals site is 1999 6918 More information here https://portal.issn.org/resource/ISSN/1999-6918
It is hosted on software called "Open Journal System".
This website purpose is to
1. contain the full paper proceedings of the ISSS Annual Meetings from 2006, and
2. accept abstracts for the annual meeting and conference.
In 2019 we moved this website from older servers to a new hosting arrangement with Simon Fraser University. That has resulted in some changes to the look and feel and also the way the website is working. We are still adjusting to this new arrangement and ask for your patience as we adapt our abstract process to this new installation.
Current Issue

The 67th Annual Proceedings of the International Society for the Systems Sciences is a collection of full papers submitted for double-blind peer review to the ISSS2023 Conference held in Skukuza, at the Kruger National Park, June 16-23, 2023.
The theme of the conference was Systems Practice for Professions. Systems Practice is based on a set of methodologies to address problematic situations holistically where complexity is embraced rather than reduced. Since many systems thinking methodologies exist, there is an opportunity to promote a unified framework for systems practice. The conference aimed to promote the use of holistic, inclusive thinking in addressing problems in various professions, integrating solutions across professions, and strengthening the national, regional, and international professional networks of practitioners. Although we invited papers on systems practice and systems science for professions, we also encouraged papers on systems theory, since systems practice without robust underlying frameworks for understanding is undesirable.
Examples of professional areas in which systems knowledge and know-how are applied are the natural sciences operations research, crisis and disaster management, ecology, physical and mental well-being and health (medicine, psychiatry, psychology, psychiatry, physical education, sports), architecture, urban and rural development, climate and environmental risk management, financial markets, sustainable energy and food systems transitions, sustainable development innovation, data science, policy development, trans-disciplinarity, design and management of complex social organizations (neighborhoods, cities, co-operatives, governance structures, etc). We accepted papers covering all areas and themes of systems science, such as the use of systems approaches in applications or subject sciences (natural and social), concept or position papers, and speculative (novel) thinking.
The International Society for the Systems Sciences (ISSS) is among the first and oldest professional organizations devoted to interdisciplinary inquiry into the nature of complex systems and remains perhaps the most broadly inclusive. These proceedings enhance the body of knowledge of the Systems Sciences. Contributions from our community of researchers and practitioners cover broad areas of systems science, including the design and application of systems approaches to the natural and social sciences (natural and social), concept or position papers, and provide a platform for speculative (novel) thinking to deliver valuable insights that benefit business, management, science, education, and public policy.
The ISSS Editorial Committee only accepts and reviews original, previously unpublished research proposals and papers. The Committee ensures submissions support the conference theme and are written in English. Conference papers are peer reviewed as authors present their papers in chaired paper sessions. The Vice President of Publications and Research and the Editorial Committee conduct a final review and publish those papers that meet the quality standards. I sincerely thank all the authors for their contributions, the Editorial Committee, and the Chairs.
I hope you will enjoy, be informed, and be inspired by these original works.
Roelien Goede
President 2022-23 International Society for the Systems Sciences (ISSS)
2023 Foreword
2023 AR: Action Research
2023 BIC: Balancing Individualism and Collectivism
2023 SACD: Systemic Approaches to Crises and Disasters
2023 CSTP: Critical Systems Theory and Practice
2023 DES: Designing Educational Systems
2023 DPSS: Digital Product-Service Systems (IS and ICT)
2023 OTSC: Organisational Transformation and Social Change
2023 RGTS: Research towards General Theories of Systems
2023 SSSS: Science, Spirituality and Systems Science
2023 SESD: Socio-Ecological Systems & Design
2023 SMSE: Systems Modelling and Systems Engineering
2023 Track: CYB: Cybernetics and Systems
2023 Track: EP: The Embodied Professional: systemic beings in motion
2023 Track: RHT: Reintegrating Humans and Technologies: Industry 5.0
Instructions for Submitting Abstracts
For the 2025 Annual Meeting and Conference submit your abstract here https://journals.isss.org/index.php/jisss/submission/wizard
Instructions for preparing and submitting abstracts for the conference are at https://journals.isss.org/index.php/jisss/about/submissions
Also other information is here https://www.isss.org/submitting-abstracts/
Please note that authors will make TWO separate submissions onto journals.isss.org, the abstract first, and then the Full Paper when ready, as the publication procedure is decoupled.
- The submission of an abstract follows a workflow for publication into the hardcopy program that is distributed to conference attendees.
- The submission of a full paper follows a workflow into publication in the online proceedings found here on journals.isss.org.
The index for current and prior proceedings for all ISSS meetings is at http://journals.isss.org and also for proceedings going back to 1977, active members access at https://www.isss.org/proceedings/