Multispecies relationality , emotional intelligence as leadership , uniting - earth jurisprudence principles - with indigenous knowledge, wild law and organic farming.Abstract
McIntyre-Mills J.J.[i] with Makaulule, M[ii]., Lethole, P[iii]., Pitsoane, E[iv]., Mabunda, B[v], Romm, N. [vi]
[i] Adjunct Prof Extraordinarius, University of South Africa and Adjunct Visiting Researcher, Adelaide University
[ii] Univen (M.A) student, Leader: Dzomo ḽa Mupo Makaulule Mphaṱheleni <>
[iii] "Lethole, Pat" <> University of South Africa
[iv] "Pitsoane, Enid" <>
[v] "Butshabelo Mabunda" <>PGSA PGS body is PGS SA
[vi] University of South Africa, Prof. Extraordinarius.
The paper addresses a multispecies systemic approach to uniting indigenous knowledge systems with earth jurisprudence and wild law using a systemic approach to storytelling and a range of mixed methods to develop rapport and relationships with participants who are members of an ongoing community of practice. The focus of this paper is on process and the space we have co-created through relationality. Our members pool diverse ways of knowing and being to focus on social, economic and environmental praxis to support multiple species. Ontologically and epistemologically we apply co-leaning to our praxis, and axiologically we assume that all transformative interventions should enhance fairness, transparency, and accountability as a basis for our case studies on risk reduction and the enhancement of wellbeing. The problem we are exploring in a forthcoming volume is whether pilot projects that put in place the principles of earth jurisprudence and organic farming (in partnership with members of PGS and the Wild Law institute) can make a difference to social and environmental justice. Our multidisciplinary and cross cultural team draws on indigenous knowledge systems as well as many other ways of learning and knowing through respectful dialogue to address our area of concern. Success is bench marked in terms of establishing a co-operative, the growing number of social enterprises striving to comply with organic farming principles, tree planting, seed collections for an organic seed bank and the perceived social, economic and environmental indicators of wellbeing. Our relational methodology applies participatory action research and storytelling to draw out themes which are mapped to assess progress towards re-generative living . Turning points for the better are indicated by a revised version of the UNSDG with a focus not on growth but on creating a cyclical economy that protects people and their shared multispecies habitat. To date our community of practice has managed to grow the number of participants and partners and our next goal is to set up two seed banks, one at the coast and one inland in South Africa in two case study areas in the Cape and Limpopo. This paper reflects on the process and methodology.
- 2024-01-30 (2)
- 2024-01-30 (1)