
  • Vusumuzi Malele North-West University


System thinking, Data Science, Data Engineering, Data Science Thinking, Data System Thinking


With the advent of data 3.0 and analytics 3.0, system thinkers are in the position to provide a bigger picture in data science and data engineering. In the data life cycle, a system thinking approach emphasises data-driven decision-making. A System Thinker approaches problem-solving by viewing the problems as part of a wider, data-resourced and dynamic system, and a Data Practitioner supports the data life cycle by collecting, transforming, and analyzing data, and communicating results to inform and guide decision-making. This paper uses explanatory research and a pragmatic case study approach to look at the (i) What is the role of system thinking and data science/engineering skill in data-driven decision-making or organisation? (ii) Is the combination of system thinking and data science/engineering give rise to a new discipline? (iii) What are the skills needed in this new discipline? The research shows that the system thinking skills in the data life cycle are important. System thinkers meet data practitioners to provide a bigger picture of data-driven decision-making. The latter ascertains the position of a system thinker in any industrial revolution (i.e. industry 4.0. and industry 5.0). Furthermore, a Data-System Thinker is proposed as a new career field. 

