Improvements of the water usage in the Mexico City Metropolian Area


  • elvira avalos professor


Sustanaiable development, water supply, water usage, sustainability


Mexico City Metropolitan Area is located at an altitude of 2300 meters above sea level, has a surface of 5000 Km2 and a population of 19.1 million whose water supply and usage represent a serious problem of sustainability and development. The efficient supply and usage of water resources is crucial for a city characterized by industrial centers , a wide range of economic activities and densely populated urban areas. In a systemic study of water sustainability , in progress at Instituto Politécnico Nacional, there were identified six sets of problem areas: 1) General issues, 2) Sources 3) Uses 4) Distribution , 5) Industry and 6) Management. In this paper it is presented a set of solutions to the second and third partial problems: how to improve the water supply and usage of water under a sustainable development of Mexico City Metropolitan Area . First of all, there are defined several relevant subsystems. relationships and specific problems. Then it is defined a structure to analyze systemically this part of the total problem and finally some solutions are proposed in the short, medium and long term , for example avoiding the unsustainable uses of ground water sources.

Author Biography

elvira avalos, professor

Systems Engineering Dep.Graduated Section



How to Cite

avalos, elvira. (2006). Improvements of the water usage in the Mexico City Metropolian Area. Proceedings of the 50th Annual Meeting of the ISSS - 2006, Sonoma, CA, USA. Retrieved from



Systems in Latin America