Organizational Development, Complexity and Dynamics of Systems


  • Miguel Patiño Ortiz IPN
  • Ricardo Tejeida Padilla IPN


complexity, organizational development, dynamics of systems, organization, social nets, systems


Organizational Development, Complexity and Dynamics of Systems Miguel Patiño-Ortiz 1, Ernesto Galvez M.2, Ricardo Tejeida-Padilla 3, Julian Patiño-Ortiz4 1Instituto Politécnico Nacional, México, 2Universidad de Sonora, México, 3Instituto Politécnico Nacional, México, 4Instituto Politécnico Nacional, México, Abstract The social, political, economic and ecological environment in which the organizations are immerse, has forced them to look for mechanisms that allow them to give agile and economic answers, in addition to show and generate flexibility and adaptation, that is to say, homeostasis. In other words, if the environment shows complexity, then the organization will respond in the same way. The Organizational Development (O.D.) and the Dynamics of Systems are tools of great importance for organizations. They allow them to adapt to the environment, to survive and to develop in it. While in the O.D. an appropriate intervention plan is created (of learning) in function of the wanted objectives of operation for the organization, the Dynamics of Systems combines the analysis and the synthesis and provides a language that allows: to express the relationships that take place in a complex system and to explain their behavior through time. Keywords: complexity, organizational development, dynamics of systems, organization, social nets, systems.

Author Biographies

Miguel Patiño Ortiz, IPN

Professor and Researcher of Instituto Politécnico Nacional / México.

Ricardo Tejeida Padilla, IPN

Professor and Researcher of Instituto Politécnico Nacional / México.



How to Cite

Ortiz, M. P., & Padilla, R. T. (2006). Organizational Development, Complexity and Dynamics of Systems. Proceedings of the 50th Annual Meeting of the ISSS - 2006, Sonoma, CA, USA. Retrieved from



Organizational Transformation & Social Change