Rainfall Use to Improve the Sustainability of the Hydraulic System in the Valley of Mexico


  • Isaias José Badillo Intituto Politecnico Nacional
  • Enrique Ordunez-Zavala Intituto Politecnico Nacional
  • Ricardo Tejeida-Padilla Intituto Politecnico Nacional


rain water, México Valley, hydrology, systemic sustainability


  This paper is a complementary part of previous papers dealing with water issues in México City and its suburbs. Specifically addresses the system of rain water collecting, as there is still plenty of rainwater volumes which has features to satisfies the needs of the city. After a brief description of the hydrological system characteristics of the valley in order to give an idea of the potential of the sustainability of the rain water resources, it is proposed a set of short and long range actions to retain larger volumes of rain water: a) Construction of underground and surfaces tanks and / or semi-underground storages, b) Construction of an underground and distribution ring storage tank, c) Construction of dams, d) Construction of wells for adsorption, e) Massive cobbled of secondary streets, f) Storage of rainwater in houses, g) Massive reforestation of originally forested areas and construction of new forests,  h) Protection of soil with litter i) Construction of a special rain water sewage.

Author Biographies

Isaias José Badillo, Intituto Politecnico Nacional

Assistant Professor of systems engineering

Enrique Ordunez-Zavala, Intituto Politecnico Nacional

Retired Professor of Systems Engineering

Ricardo Tejeida-Padilla, Intituto Politecnico Nacional

Professor of Systems Engineering



How to Cite

Badillo, I. J., Ordunez-Zavala, E., & Tejeida-Padilla, R. (2010). Rainfall Use to Improve the Sustainability of the Hydraulic System in the Valley of Mexico. Proceedings of the 54th Annual Meeting of the ISSS - 2010, Waterloo, Canada, 54(1). Retrieved from https://journals.isss.org/index.php/proceedings54th/article/view/1432