Systemicity, Bioethism, dynamics, meta-drivers, synergy, cosmic physics, emergenceAbstract
Ever since 1996, J.-J. Blanc, the author, made an extensive research on "Systems science" that induced to his developing a new systemic paradigm in terms of a transdisciplinary approach to "Living systems" that he named “The Bioethism” (see note 1). It is meant to support the acquisition of a large understanding of living systems' origin, of their natural structure and their adaptive behaviors meanings. Their species bonds and evolution trends, while permanently interacting with environmental events for survival, require actions-reactions from ago-antagonistic signals and stimuli. Endogenous within their body milieu and exogenous while confronted with conditions of ecosystemic and sociosystemic environments, living beings are closely linked with and affected by - a) cosmo-planetary and terrestrial meta-dynamic forces, - b) their specific biological individuality and social traits and statuses accounting for the biodiversity of species behavioral and evolutionary trends emerging from the set of the biological metadynamics systemicity. For example the drastic extinction of species, except some bacteria, when the Earth became a "snowball" from a nearly total glaciation (-600 Mo/y) and, on the contrary, an extraordinary explosion of marine species bearing new functions (- 545Mo/y) The survey in the different scientific disciplines concerned with the actual "Science of Systems", shows too many scientists developing the living systems' knowledge of reality in the strict philosophy of human "reason" (logic and metaphysics) under an anthropocentric practice. Excepted are, of course, those works directly concerned with biological disciplines, biochemistry and physicochemical physiology and when individual and societal emotions are taken into consideration so as to support a paramount and pragmatic understanding of survival rules and necessities. An adequate learning for a sustainable development of societies, respecting the required survival diversity needs, is here based on a new general theory the author called “The general theory of meta-dynamics systemicity". A new theory that relies on the whole body of forces and dynamics that made and makes physicochemical and biological moves and objects to exist and sustain at the different dynamics levels of the Universe. By essence, the dynamics levels are: atomic and cosmic, galactic, stellar, planetary, terrestrial and biological. Though diverse in structure and mechanism, they are all interrelated and provoke intricate moves and fluxes of differential retroactions from which emerge various object "postures" (behaviors). Bound to adapting their behaviors to permanent environmental changes, objects (eg. the planet Earth) and living beings survive within the constraints and effects of dynamics differential retroactivity. These feedbacks, in cycles, induce to the repetition of moves and fluxes, the "meta-dynamics systemicity", a term analogous to "velocity", referring to dynamical behaviors. However, systemicity must be understood as successive and/or parallel retroactive ago-antagonistic, convergent differentials moves making emerge whole bodies of adaptive results while confronted and coevolving with environmental changes. At Life's level, the set of meta/intra-dynamics systemicity sustains survival at biological, physiological and psychological intricate sublevels. Consubstantial and interrelated with the cosmic , galactic, stellar, planetary and terrestrial meta-dynamics, the biological "metadynamics systemicity" is participating in the whole of universal systemic effects feedbacks. Thereby, universal forces and fluxes permanently influence physicochemical reactive dynamics and permanently affect the biological world within its intra-dynamics systemicity moves. A world that is retroactive from emergent results affecting living creatures' survival choices so as to adapt their behaviors supporting their temporal sustainability. Consequently, an overview upon the entire body of universal interdependent bio-physicochemical mechanisms, moves, processes and streams, interwoven within "3D networks", shows that survival abilities and performances are epigenetically provided with meta-dynamics resulting effects of systemicity. The convergence of cosmo-planetary forces (thermodynamic, magnetic, gravitational…) and terrestrial conditions (geologic, geochemical, geophysical, geo-climatic…) is retroactively sustaining the Earth and the living's own meta-dynamics survival means (biotope equilibrium, local ecosystems biodiversity, food chains,… sustainable behaviors, reproduction , …) thanks to processes that have a "re-seeding" ability. Furthermore, the biological world of individuals and societal systems (family, group,…) cannot survive but within dynamic equilibriums that are inevitably interdependent. Social groups are subject to chaotic effects of the thermodynamic entropy and by their meta-dynamics, intradynamics and subdynamics drives, which make permanently emerge and temporally sustain differential behaviors. This work, having required several communications, describes largely here the general systemicity of principles that support living beings survival. A large work that refers to the complexity of cosmo-planetary, terrestrial and (in this part three) the biological meta-dynamics systemicity, a meta-driver that participated in the origin of Life. And, for billion of years, participated in the building up of the Earth's and a Life's adaptable sustainability confronted with fluxes and moves of universal forces. The set of meta-drivers with synergetic moves sustaining systemicity cycles, were and are permanently adapting to changing environmental events occurrence, which values have to be viewed in the short and long term. At the stage of this work process, the communication stands for "The biological meta-dynamics systemicity" and, in the conclusion, assumes the fundamental objectivity and realism of a "General Theory of Systemicity".Published
How to Cite
BLANC, J.-J. (2009). THE GENERAL THEORY OF META-DYNAMICS SYSTEMICITY. Proceedings of the 53rd Annual Meeting of the ISSS - 2009, Brisbane, Australia, 1(1). Retrieved from