Adaptive Capacity in Project Teams


  • Mary C Edson, Ph.D. Equipoise Enterprises, Inc.
  • Gary S Metcalf Interconnections, LLC


adaptive capacity, resilience, attachment theory, hierarchy theory, panarchy, socioecological systems


Abstact #2265

sumitted for hierarchy theory

Author Biographies

Mary C Edson, Ph.D., Equipoise Enterprises, Inc.

Mary holds a Ph.D. in Organizational Systems from Saybrook University. She works with organizations to develop resilient project teams.

Gary S Metcalf, Interconnections, LLC

Gary S. Metcalf, Ph.D. is an organizational systems theorist, President of the International Federation for Systems Research, and faculty member at Saybrook University.



How to Cite

Edson, Ph.D., M. C., & Metcalf, G. S. (2014). Adaptive Capacity in Project Teams. Proceedings of the 58th Annual Meeting of the ISSS - 2014 United States, 1(1). Retrieved from