Small businesses. Great businessmen. A different look to review their problems


  • Ricardo Barrera


SMES, complexity, category, competition


During last three years, in four cities of Argentine (Buenos Aires, Córdoba, Bariloche and Trelew) management´s students of University of Buenos Aires, National University of Córdoba, National University of Río Negro and National University of Patagonia S.J.B., under direction of Eugenio Zwarycz & Eduardo Fuks in Buenos Aires, Ana Leal in Córdoba and Adriana Fantini, Eduardo Scagnetti & Marta Dans in Patagonia, 474 interviews and a survey about SMES. In Ushuaia, informatics’ students under supervision of Jorge Ontiveros & José Artaza processed surveys. The research was conducted by Enrique Herrscher and Ricardo Barrera.

We analyzed categories of SMES by size, activity under complexity paradigm, another surveys and bibliography, established to test hypothesis and theoretical framework, designed the survey and set operational standards for students to ensure high quality and homogeneity in that surveys.

We investigated possible correlations and causal relationships, changed assumptions. We found “other” complexity: a step up in the category.

It also emerged a new factor on the complexity: difference between level and trend. It also has challenged widespread views, in that many of those interviewed (40%) consider their size advantage over the competition.

Author Biography

Ricardo Barrera

Universidad Nacional de la Patagonia, Dean



How to Cite

Barrera, R. (2013). Small businesses. Great businessmen. A different look to review their problems. Proceedings of the 56th Annual Meeting of the ISSS - 2012, San Jose, CA, USA. Retrieved from



Systems Applications in Business and Industry