Volunteering and Linking roles in (enabling and sustaining the grassroots base of) resilient global governance: a systemic model?


  • Dennis Edward Finlayson




Defining resilience? Regarding individual commitment in social enterprises and innovation. Linking in different sectors arising from volunteering experiences and other social contacts across international boundaries. Agencies and initiatives that promote linkages and their governance The role of academics and other social thinkers I n designing and sustaining international linkages and initiatives: hands-off leadership? Horizontal and vertical Governance of initiatives, reporting and separate responsibilities. Barriers to sustaining resilient governance in grass-roots based organisations: professionalism; vested interests in governments and international agencies; self-maintaining NGO’s and institutionalisation. Sources on the web and elsewhere: Boy Scouts and related groups; VSO; ASE; UKOWLA; DEA; WEA; Fair Trade Foundation; Trade Unions and Business-based Groups i.e. Rotary.

Author Biography

Dennis Edward Finlayson

independent consultant/facilitator SIG Chair Applied Systems and Development of ISSS.



How to Cite

Finlayson, D. E. (2010). Volunteering and Linking roles in (enabling and sustaining the grassroots base of) resilient global governance: a systemic model?. Proceedings of the 54th Annual Meeting of the ISSS - 2010, Waterloo, Canada, 54(1). Retrieved from https://journals.isss.org/index.php/proceedings54th/article/view/1495